Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Hematology has signed a cooperation agreement with the organization “Designs on Learning LLC,” USA. An employee of “Designs on Learning LLC,” Jalala Hossеini, was at the RSSPMC of Hematology from October 12 to October 25, 2024. He worked with the staff of the clinical and scientific division on the implementation of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) project. Additionally, they aimed to establish a local ethics committee at the hematology center.
The purpose of this project is to provide a brief historical timeline of the creation and evolution of the field of bioethics and ethical standards in conducting research involving human participants.
An ethics committee is an independent group comprised of individuals from medical and non-medical specialties, aimed at ensuring the rights and interests of participants in clinical research, as well as compliance with ethical standards during the conduct of such research in accordance with the rules of good clinical practice.
The main tasks
of the ethics committee are as follows:
The main
principles of ethical review for planned scientific research include:
The committee has been established with the following members:
- D. Sc. (Med.) Islamov M.S.
- D. Sc. (Med.) Kayumov A.A
- D. Sc. (Med.) Makhmudova A.D.
- D. Sc. (Med.) Suleimanova D.N.
- Ph.D. (Med.) Berger I.V.
- Ph.D. (Med.) Davlatova G.N.
- Ph.D. (Med.) Alimov T.R.
- Ph.D. (Med.) Zokirova M.B.
- Normetova M.U.
- Asilov S.
- Mukhammadiev S.
- Akhmedova Z.
- Juraeva N.
- Mukhammadiev M.
- Ph.D. (Med.) Drokoв M.Yu. - The committee includes an external member:
- D. Sc. (Med.) Kayumov A.A
During this period, Jalala Hosseini worked with the committee members and developed a work plan.
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